Thursday, November 21, 2019

American Psychological Associations Ethical Principles of Essay

American Psychological Associations Ethical Principles of Psychologists AND CODE OF CONDUCT - Essay Example etency in services and human relations, privacy and confidentiality of the patients, promoting the right advertising and public statements, documentation procedures, designing appropriate education and training programs, carrying out approved research studies and publication, following standards in assessment and providing the right therapy to patients. The importance of obtaining informed consent while providing therapeutic services, counseling and consultation to patients has been stressed in many instances throughout the code of conduct as it is extremely vital for patients to know what kind of services are being offered to them. These informed consents are generally provided as a written format and in languages understood by the patient in simple words. When the patient is unable to provide consent the psychologists will have to take appropriate steps to explain the procedure to the patient or in cases where consent from any other authorized person is permitted it shall be obtain ed. In case of therapeutic treatments, the psychologists should inform the patient well in advance about the treatment modality, fees, involvement of a third party, confidentiality and clarify any other questions put forth by the patient. As it is a therapeutic intervention, the risks and alternative treatment present should be included in the consent. If the treatment is handled by a trainee who will be supervised by a supervisor, the informed consent should include both their names. In case the therapy is to be afforded to families or groups of patients, the psychologists should clarify the roles and responsibilities of all involved. In case of patients who are receiving treatment elsewhere the treatment issues and patient’s welfare should be discussed clearly by the psychologists in order to avoid confusions. Psychologists should not be sexually involved with the patient or any of their relatives and should not accept previous sexual partners as their patients or clients d uring the

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