Saturday, December 28, 2019

How Can You Prevent Academic Dishonesty - 1710 Words

Introduction: Strain plays a big role in academic dishonesty because the student feels like they can not reach the goals that are set out for them within society or even within classes. Certain behaviors from the individual or whom the individual is friends with can provoke or even support academic dishonesty. Differential association shows that behavior can be picked up if the person is hanging out with deviant peers. If the student can not reach the goals they will resort to academic dishonesty or even plagiarism. Social control also plays a part in this because if the behavior is neither supported or discouraged the students will assume it is okay or it is unnoticed and they will not stop the behavior. Some of the ways we can prevent academic dishonesty would be to educate teachers on the ever changing systems students are using the cheat, whether it be crib notes, wearing certain articles of clothing, or assigning signals or hints to signal answers to other peers. If we can edu cate teachers on what to look for if they suspect someone is cheating they can punish that student and discourage other students from cheating because they realize the teacher is catching onto all of their tricks. Outline of the criminal/Deviant behavior and the offender: The criminal or deviant behavior comes from several different things. One of the things that change the offender’s behavior is the amount of pressure to do well Strain theory causing academic dishonesty 3 from manyShow MoreRelatedThe Influence Of Technology Essay1207 Words   |  5 PagesThe Influence of Technology What can technology do for an individual or how can technology facilitate life for someone. As seen in todays real world, technology has come a long way. Technology has advanced in such a way that even people who are current with technology feel at times that they are outdated. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Macbeth - 1203 Words

The Ambition of Macbeth Macbeth is known for his significant amount of bravery and loyalty as a character in the play The Tragedy of Macbeth. Even though Macbeth has all the significant qualities of an average known hero, he also inherits bad ambitions throughout the story from three ornery witches that influence mischief upon his character. The witches reconstruct Macbeth’s ambitions from good to evil with the promise of power and riches. The evil witches help construct the storyline of Macbeth, and without them the story line would be completely different. They also have a strong effect on Macbeth’s good ambitions by gaining Macbeth’s trust by praising him for his accomplishments, which influences Macbeth to stir his ambitions for†¦show more content†¦What more could a man possibly want? Then again, the outside influence from the witches made him it that is his destiny and he must do everything to fulfill being king of the throne. The first murder of that led to his downfall was to kill King Duncan. Before Macbeth kills Duncan he says, â€Å"Is this a dagger which I see before me/ the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee./ Here it not, Duncan, for it is knell/ That summons thee to heaven, or to hell.† (291). Macbeth has become so corrupt and evil, not even friendship will get in the way of his desire of becoming the King of Scotland. Therefore, after Macbeth finished the killing of King Duncan, he soon came to fear that people were becoming suspicious. For instance, Macbeth hires three murders to start doing his dirty deeds for him so he wouldn’t get caught or have people suspect him anymore. He intends to do that because he starts to get concerned that his friend Banquo, his song Fleance, and the Kings son will get in the way of his destiny. Soon after the other attempted murders, Malcolm and Macduff are in England putting together and army to fight Macbeth. Macbeth is informed of the situation he says, I have almost forgot the taste of fears The time has been, my senses would have cooled As life were in’t I have supped full with horrors Familiar to my slaughterous thoughts Cammon once start me. The mind I sway by and the heart that I bear Shall never sag with doubtShow M oreRelatedMacbeth : Macbeth 1411 Words   |  6 PagesPeter Klimek Mrs. Moeller Macbeth Rough Draft 3/7/16 Ambitionz Az Macbeth Macbeth is a character in a play by Shakespeare with a tragic flaw. He had a quick rise to power and shortly after that a fall. Macbeth’s tragic downfall is a consequence of his vaulting ambition which is fueled by greed, fear and arrogance. Lady Macbeth and the three witches also have a major key in influencing his emotions. They manipulated the emotions he felt so he acted more rashly on them. Macbeth was a guy that couldRead MoreMacbeth Essays : Macbeth 1064 Words   |  5 PagesMacbeth Analytical Essay In life, there are two types of people: those who do the right thing and those who don’t. In the play Macbeth, by Shakespeare, the main character Macbeth is given a prophecy by three witches that says he will become king; however, there is no descending line of kings of his own blood. With the knowledge of the Witches’ prophecy, Macbeth’s ambition, and manipulation from his wife, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth is quickly dragged into a never-ending, bloody murder rampage to obtainRead MoreMacbeth - Imagery in Macbeth1331 Words   |  6 Pagesart of making images, the products of imagination. In the play Macbeth Shakespeare applies the imagery of clothing, darkness and blood. (listed from least to most), Each detail is his imagery, it seems to contain an important symbol of the play. Symbols that the reader must understand if they are to interpret either the passage or the play as a whole. Within the play Macbeth the imagery of clothing portrays that Macbeth is seeking to hide his disgraceful self from his eyes and othersRead MoreMacbeth864 Words   |  4 Pagesimagination. In any piece of literature, imagery plays a significant role in illustrating the characters. In the play, Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are developed through the use of clothing, sleep, and blood imagery. Through the use of clothing imagery, Shakespeare exposes and develops the character of Macbeth. In the beginning, Macbeth is seen as loyal soldier of King Duncan. When presented with the title of Thane of Cawdor, he says Why do you dressRead MoreMacbeth1700 Words   |  7 PagesThe Loyalty of Masculinity In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth the main theme of loyalty is explored throughout the play by main characters. Loyalty can be defined as faithfulness or unwavering devotion to a person or cause. 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To ignore the premonitions  or to go ahead,  knowing that if you do go ahead you would  destroy the natural order? This is what Macbeth had to solve within himself,  his internal conflict. Ladies and Gentlemen, an overriding theme of conflict is established within William Shakespeare’s tragic play â€Å"Macbeth†. Conflict. What is conflict? We simply define conflict as the struggle between opposite forces or different opinions between people. Though it doesn’t always haveRead MoreMacbeth739 Words   |  3 PagesSynopsis Macbeth  is a play about a Scottish nobleman who learns, from a prophecy given to him by three witches, that he is to become king. When Macbeths ambition overcomes his moral judgement, he assassinates the reigning king and fulfils the prophecy. In doing so, however, he undermines his own rule with insecurity - insecurity he created when he upset the natural succession to the throne. Beheaded in battle, Macbeths death allows the rightful heir to reclaim the throne and order is restoredRead MoreMacbeth1388 Words   |  6 Pages Macbeth: Character Analysis The Tragedy of Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, is about a soldier, Macbeth, and his friend, Banquo, who meet up with three strange witches who share prophecies with the two men. Macbeth is told that he will become king someday and rule the land of Scotland. The rest of the play follows the actions of once a loyal soldier turned into a greedy king, who seeks to hold the crown forever no matter what the consequences may be. Throughout the play Macbeth displays himselfRead MoreMacbeth757 Words   |  4 Pagesat me† Macbeth to Banquo’s ghost. â€Å"This is the very painting of your fear† Lady Macbeth to her husband. â€Å"Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble†. Witches (4.1.1) Images of disguise and concealment (appearance vs reality): â€Å"Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t† Lady Macbeth, 1, 5 â€Å"False face must hide what the false heart doth know† Macbeth, 1,7 â€Å"There’s daggers in men’s smiles. The near in blood, the nearer bloody† Donalbain 2, 3. Macbeth tells

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Burger King Beefs Up Global Operations free essay sample

Although the company has expanded their original menu throughout the years, burgers remain their core competency, with the Whopper sandwich as its signature product. When your business is successful, the thought of expansion of sales is common, as it can lead to more profits. Expanding internationally can be a profitable venture for many businesses, but just like any new investment there are pros and cons involved. The fast food industry is no different and therefore before expanding internationally the advantages and disadvantages must be consider. For instance, depending on where BK decides to expand, they may be able to take advantage of favorable government regulations, such as lower taxes. Most importantly when you expand a business into a new country and the people like your product, it creates demand which results in substantial sales. A disadvantage an international restaurant company may face when competing with a local company may be a result of cultural differences. Overcoming the cultural barriers in other countries is not that simple. Every country has its own culture and â€Å"tastes†, and BK may not be able to accurately predict what people in that culture will truly enjoy (Arthur, 2011) Thus, new products in the menu may vary by region. For example, in Puerto Rico BK offers fried plantain as a one of the side items while in India McDonalds offers goat burgers in their menu. Despite Burger King’s successful franchise in the US, the decision to expand internationally was not made until after McDonalds (its main competitor) went global. The decision to expand globally at a later time had its advantages and disadvantages depending on the market size and supply infrastructure. For instance, in large markets where sustainability was of less concern and the demand for the product was greater the company was able to concentrate on its product without incurring the early developmental costs. On the other hand, in small markets sustainability would be a problem because there may be an inadequate supply infrastructure resulting in an operation disadvantage for the firm in those locations (Daniels, Radebaugh amp; Sullivan, 2011). In addition, the potential of gaining the best locations, suppliers, and partners (first-mover advantage) may be significantly reduced by entering later into a market. Approximately 90% of Burger King Restaurants are owned and operated by independent franchisees and the remaining 10% by the corporation. By owning a percentage of its restaurants, the company displays a high level of market commitment, especially when entering a market for the first time. As the company continues to evolve in ownership and expands its portfolio, it continues to redefine the â€Å"who†, the â€Å"what†, the â€Å"how†, and the â€Å"us† by revising its strategy and changing the way it performs its core activities in order to create the most value for the company (Luzio, 2010). Burger King’s strategy when moving into new countries includes: (1) develop an infrastructure before bringing in the restaurants, (2) develop a local management team, (3) focus development on major cities with established shopping mall location, (4) establish a local office or headquarters, and (5) demonstrate commitment by procuring locally and supporting continuous development (Daniels, Radebaugh amp; Sullivan, 2011). Burger King Corporation focuses on long-term value creation. Although about two-thirds of Burger King’s restaurants are currently in the United States and Canada, I would expect this to change with time. As stated in the textbook, BK â€Å"sees the United States as a mature market for fast food, especially for hamburgers, in comparison with many foreign countries. † (Daniels, Radebaugh amp; Sullivan, 2011, p. 467) As long as the conditions are advantageous in other locations, you can expect for international business to produce solid growth in sales, profits and returns well into the future when comparing it to the US and Canada. The case study further mentions that Burger King favors countries with large numbers of youth and shopping centers. This is simply because it captures the client segmentation and target markets for fast food restaurants, probably indicating a low risk and high opportunity location. Burger King, as a result of being headquartered in Miami, has a large presence in the Latin American and Caribbean region with 24. 6 percent of its restaurants located in that region. The company’s initial international expansion included restaurants in the Bahamas and Puerto Rico. This decision was a direct result of its headquarters location since there is a high volume of people from Latin America and the Caribbean that come to or through Miami which resulted in brand recognition and acceptance. In addition, the proximity of the countries in this region to Miami promoted strong relations between management and franchisees. Two common tools the CEO of Burger King may use when deciding on future locations are grids and matrices. Grids are tools that may depict acceptable or unacceptable conditions and rank countries based on a set of predefined important variables. Grids help you to decide between several options, where you need to take many different factors into account. Matrices are used to clearly show the opportunity and risk relationship of a given location or country. For instance, the Burger King CEO and directors will decide which factors are good indicators and weight them to reflect their importance. Each location or region is then evaluated with an opportunity-risk matrix based on the weighted indicators.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Small Businesses Go Online Essay Sample free essay sample

The Internet is fast going known non merely as the information gateway. but besides the new platform for different sorts of concerns. These concerns advertise their goods and services in changing ways and most of the immense 1s really have their ain web sites. They’ve besides outdone themselves in footings of services because people don’t have to travel out of their houses merely to pay measures or store for things. The little concerns don’t truly have to worry because it is possible for them to travel online besides without holding to pass so. Suzanne Morrison ( 2001-2007 ) offers some advice on this. She says that when 1 has their concern thought and their merchandises. the following measure is for them to analyse their competition. Morrison uses a plan for this called Wordtracker. which analyzes the keyword phrases that are frequently used in hunt engines. With that. one can analyse the top web sites those keyword phrases produce and one can be after consequently. We will write a custom essay sample on Small Businesses Go Online Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then. one should analyse their merchandises. excessively. Sample inquiries one should be able to reply are: Are these merchandises in demand right now? Are these what the clients need? Before one makes a determination. one should calculate what their net income border will be and how much money one would gain based on the estimated traffic Wordtracker has generated. The following measure is for one to take a sphere name. Many web sites sell sphere names for less than $ 10 a twelvemonth. It would be better if one would take a sphere name that has some of the popular keywords. Remember that short sphere names are really easy to retrieve. After this measure. it’s clip to take a web hosting company. There are many of these and some even offer their services for free. Avoid these free services because as Morrison says. this looks unprofessional. Besides. they are bound to set ads on your website anyway. which wouldn’t truly be that nice since you’re traveling to be seting your ain on it. Now. when sing web hosting companies. be certain to look into the disc infinite and bandwidth allowances the company provides. These should be big plenty for you. Besides. see their client support services. their dependability in footings of expected down clip and if it’s easy for you to upload files. No demand to worry since there are bes ides websites that compare the hosting bundles of different companies. Last. one has to do and market the concern web site. Depending on the proprietor. he may do the web site himself or engage person. If he decides to do it himself. he doesn’t have to worry if he doesn’t have adequate cognition of hypertext markup language since there are plans like Dreamweaver and FrontPage which could assist him do it. In doing a web site. it should look clean. unlittered. looks professional and easy to voyage. One can inquire person else to look into the web site to proofread everything in it before establishing it online. After the creative activity of the web site. one should get down marketing it via solo or classified ads. articles. or pay per chink ( PPC ) advertisement such as Google Adwords and Overture. Puting a concern online is no easy undertaking. It takes forbearance. doggedness and creativeness to do a web site that would do people maintain coming back. As last words. Morrison adds that with research and doggedness. one will acquire their preferable consequences. Mentions Morrison. Suzanne ( 2001-2007 ) . Seven Stairss to a Money Making Website. Retrieved 27 June 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //bucarotechelp. com/design/general/95062202. asp and hypertext transfer protocol: //bucarotechelp. com/design/general/95062202. asp? x=49 A ; y=7 A ; page=2