Saturday, December 28, 2019

How Can You Prevent Academic Dishonesty - 1710 Words

Introduction: Strain plays a big role in academic dishonesty because the student feels like they can not reach the goals that are set out for them within society or even within classes. Certain behaviors from the individual or whom the individual is friends with can provoke or even support academic dishonesty. Differential association shows that behavior can be picked up if the person is hanging out with deviant peers. If the student can not reach the goals they will resort to academic dishonesty or even plagiarism. Social control also plays a part in this because if the behavior is neither supported or discouraged the students will assume it is okay or it is unnoticed and they will not stop the behavior. Some of the ways we can prevent academic dishonesty would be to educate teachers on the ever changing systems students are using the cheat, whether it be crib notes, wearing certain articles of clothing, or assigning signals or hints to signal answers to other peers. If we can edu cate teachers on what to look for if they suspect someone is cheating they can punish that student and discourage other students from cheating because they realize the teacher is catching onto all of their tricks. Outline of the criminal/Deviant behavior and the offender: The criminal or deviant behavior comes from several different things. One of the things that change the offender’s behavior is the amount of pressure to do well Strain theory causing academic dishonesty 3 from manyShow MoreRelatedThe Influence Of Technology Essay1207 Words   |  5 PagesThe Influence of Technology What can technology do for an individual or how can technology facilitate life for someone. As seen in todays real world, technology has come a long way. Technology has advanced in such a way that even people who are current with technology feel at times that they are outdated. 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